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Karausu no Aru Fukei


[Compuesto]Miyata Kōhachirō - Shakuhachi - 1983

Karausu no Aru Fukei aparece en los siguientes álbumes

Álbum Artista
Play ButtonHibiki - Tokyo Inter-arts In Berlin Shakuhachi : Hermann Battenberg
Shakuhachi : Aoki Shunsuke
Koto : Makihara Kumiko
Koto : Shigeta Emiko
Koto : Satō Miyuki
This piece paints an impression of a village in the Oira prefecture which is famous for its pottery in the so-called Ontayaki-sryle. In the village there is a huge water-powered wheel of red pine wood, about six meters in diameter. This large mortar, made in old Chinese fashion, is used for preparing the clay. The image of this wheel in its tasteful setting is very beautiful, and the sound it makes, kneading the clay all day, is very impressive. These are depicted in the piece.